Thursday, July 14, 2005

Speed recap.

This needs to be a speedy recap this week because it's waaaaaay late and Ms. Gmot Editor already yelled at me!

Anyway, this past week Your Team Sucks, well, we sucked. We started out looking good, but we apparently decided somewhere about the second or third inning (whichever one lasted about 45 minutes) that we were going to give up a pity win to Number One Spot. That's our story and we're sticking to it!

The problem is, about 20 some minutes into the worlds longest inning, we suddenly realized that if we didn't get any outs, the inning was never going to end. Since we had already given Number One Spot about 6 insurance runs, we attempted to finish the inning. That was harder than we thought. Getting in a groove of slacking off and drinking beer makes it hard to get the A game back!

We finally did manage to get a few outs and end the inning. We managed to score a few more runs just to make it look like Number One spot won a very competitive game instead of just blowing us out of the water like we let The Whores do twice! I don't remember the exact score, but it was something like 10-5. Good game Number One Spot!

The Big-E goes to most of the team for that long inning, but especially to Seppie for WALKING IN A RUN. The KY Slick move of the game goes to Julia for tripping between bases, but still getting up and making it home safe!

The aftergame was MUCH better this week. Like usual though, flip cup was dominated by Your Team Sucks. You people just can't handle the power of the darkside!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Forget the Rules!

I say for this last game of the season we ditch the ref since they don't do much good and just have a no holds barred match! Number One Spot... Be scared!

We did pretty good against the Sexy Ball Kickers we led for a while with some good defensive plays. After some back and forth little stuff, we were all tied up at 3-3.

After a shoddy call by the ref (which he admitted to later) SBK got a leg up and put the score 5-3 which we couldn't quite recover from. Also, the case of bud an hefty amounts of jell-o shots had us not really caring, even if it was 3.2 beer.

The Big-E award goes to Dave for letting the Bike Polo players distract him and also for a fielding choice later. The Ky Slick Move award goes to Mike B for that 10 foot slide into second and also to Nick B for the grab and throw from home to first.

The after bar was thoroughly disappointing with almost EVERYONE leaving by 10:30 and there being not ONE game of flip cup! What the hell is wrong with you people? This week better be a good time or heads will roll!

The KY slick move of the aftergame goes to Todd of the Whores, Nick B of YTS and the couple of people from LMP who stuck around. Unfortunately I had just enough to drink that I forgot their names. The Big-E of the postgame goes to EVERYONE ELSE.

Don't let me down this week.